
Concerns on hygienic situation of potable water quality in ru-ral areas
Time : 03-01-2016  Traffic:0
When I went back to my hometown in the Northeast during this Spring Festival holiday, I got water samples from nearby village into bottles. In less than 3 days time, the water samples became cloudy. Compared with municipal tap water, the difference between the 2 water samples is very clear.
According to analysis on the water sample variation, we come to a conclusion that the water in this village contains large amount of dyadic iron ions and other surpass-criterion materials. About two years ago, I already learned that relevant people in this village were suffering drinking water shortage and could not source applicable drinking water, although it is a relatively affluent village. It is no difficult to image that things may be even worse in other remote poverty-stricken rural areas. It causes great harm to people health to drink this kind of water. 
漯河市| 寿阳县| 海宁市| 安康市| 青田县| 福海县| 铜陵市| 信宜市| 历史| 临安市| 博白县| 林周县| 富川| 乌拉特前旗| 东兰县| 石渠县| 本溪| 邯郸县| 临江市| 双城市| 鄄城县| 安阳县| 建始县| 鲁山县| 肥西县| 金寨县| 浦江县| 镶黄旗| 中超| 铜川市| 信阳市| 汨罗市| 开原市| 阿勒泰市| 榆中县| 沅江市| 舒城县| 轮台县| 巴中市| 慈溪市| 六盘水市|