
Application of Membrane Bioreactor in Petrochemical Enterprises
Time : 04-01-2017  Traffic:0
             Spring to arrived in March, all things recovery, Hanqing environmental protection company in the new plant ---- Huigu Industrial Park, For a petrochemical enterprises in Luoyang, Henan production and assembly of the CF-series of hollow fiber curtain film group. The company has an annual processing capacity of 20,000 tons of CTA oxidation residue organic separation device and an annual output of 100,000 tons of unsaturated polyester resin production plant, the resulting production wastewater composition is complex, biodegradable, difficult to handle. Harsh use of the environment, requiring film group material has a good resistance to oxidation and corrosion resistance. Hanqing environmental protection curtain film material with strong oxidation resistance, high toughness of polyvinylidene fluoride PVDF; group frame with high thickness of stainless steel materials, and to achieve all the welding process. The entire production and assembly process in strict accordance with the Han-ching environmental standard Q / CCUF 001-2016, the delivery of products fully meet customer requirements, and customers praise.
           In 2016, Hanqing environmental development developed a high-strength composite hollow fiber membrane, to solve the membrane bioreactor (MBR) prone to broken wire problem, can be widely used and wastewater treatment and water reuse. In recent years, Hanqing environmental protection attaches great importance to the development and application of membrane products, and constantly explore the market demand, joint Tianjin University of Technology and other institutions of higher learning, developed with independent intellectual property rights of membrane materials and membrane separation products, water purification, wastewater treatment And other fields have been very good application for customers to bring greater economic benefits for the recycling of water resources contribute.

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