
Hanqing staff for a large coal industry in Shanxi Province to install replacement ultrafiltration membrane components
Time : 04-01-2017  Traffic:0
       When the new year Hanqing company technical workers rushed to Shanxi Jinzhong Shouyang, Jinzhong City, a large coal group coal washing wastewater treatment system to transform the original system problems in the membrane components replaced by Hanqing environmental protection (CNCLEAR) Ultrafiltration membrane components.
     The coal industry coal washing wastewater treatment process for the multi - stage flocculation precipitation + sand filter + ultrafiltration. Ultrafiltration as the last barrier, is the core part of the system, directly determine the effectiveness of the system filter separation. Coal dust in the waste water, suspended solids concentration. If the ultrafiltration system process is unreasonable, the process is no longer timely cleaning and maintenance, it is easy to cause membrane fouling, component flux attenuation, can not effectively filter, and even cause the entire ultrafiltration system scrapped. The group's original ultrafiltration system is due to unreasonable process, maintenance is not timely, the membrane system used for about a year, flux that is down nearly 80%, has been far from meeting the production needs.
      The transformation of a transformation of ultrafiltration system technology, the internal pressure filter to external pressure filter, more suitable for this extreme water conditions, the second is the original ultrafiltration membrane replaced by Hanqing environmental (CNCLEAR) more hydrophilic High flux of ultrafiltration membrane materials, to solve the problem of rapid attenuation due to pollution, to meet the production needs.
       Coal washing wastewater through the ultrafiltration system after filtration, can be reused for coal washing or as a production of miscellaneous water, can \
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