
At the end of September 2016, the company completed the installation of the drinking water project for the long power plant in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
Time : 04-01-2017  Traffic:0
       With the progress of science and technology, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, the deterioration of water resources on human impact is the most direct and most threatening, especially drinking water problem has aroused great concern. Due to the discharge of various pollutants, the water quality of drinking water is worsening, and for a long period of time, the purification of micro-polluted water (water containing trace pollutants) will be an important and arduous task.    
       At the end of September 2016, the company completed the installation of the drinking water project for the long power plant in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. This project raw water for the groundwater, raw water turbidity, a stench, water quality serious heavy metals exceeded. The content of TDS was 2780μs / cm 583.3mg / L, 35.21mg / L of calcium ion, 71.43mg / L of magnesium ion 268.64mg / L, 207.49mg / L of sulfate ion, 15.08mg / L of silica, Our multi-functional multi-level advanced water quality cleaner treatment after the conductivity of 24μs / cm, iron ions completely removed, can be used as the factory direct drinking water.
       We are committed to the development of green economy, to prevent pollution, to provide quality aquatic products and services as their responsibility to improve the ecological environment, improve the drinking water quality of the residents for social production and life, to provide a better material basis and stronger technical support.
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