
Invited as United Training Center for “Excellent Engineer” by Environment and Chemistry Engineer Department of Tianjin Polytechnic University.
Time : 10-06-2015  Traffic:0

CCET (party B) and Enterprise Specialist Tutor (Party C) has been invited to work on the training for “Excellent Engineer” by Environment and Chemistry Engineer Department of Tianjin Polytechnic University (party A). This cooperation aims to create new training policy of “Excellent Engineer”  for Universities and Enterprises, to strengthen engineer practical skills and meet the needs of industrial enterprises for engineer talents,  according to the strategy of a new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics, building an innovation-oriented country and constructing a powerful human resources country initiated in 17th CPC National Congress, to implement the National education reform and development of long-term planning programs (2010-2015) and to impel “ excellent engineer training program career orientation”

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