
Containing organic waste water treatment technology
Time : 04-08-2016  Traffic:0

Organic wastewater containing organic pollutants is the main waste water, organic waste water is easy to cause eutrophication, and it is harmful.These waste water contains a lot of carbohydrate, fat, protein,cellulose and other organic matter, if the direct emissions, will cause serious pollution.
Containing organic waste water can be divided into three categories: easy to bio degradation of organic wastewater; organic matter can be degraded, but the waste water containing harmful substances; containing refractory biological and harmful organic waste water.
Containing organic waste water treatment technology: adsorption, extraction, concentration, incineration, Fenton oxidation, electrochemical oxidation, ozone oxidation, aerobic biological membrane method, UASB that is up flow anaerobic sludge bed. UASB because of its significant advantages, widely used in the actual production.

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