
Dying Printing Wastewater Treatment and Standard Discharge Technique
Time : 04-08-2016  Traffic:0

  As is well known that dying and printing industry is a typical water-intensive industry, consuming nearly a hundred million tons of softened water a year. The source and pollutant composition of dying-printing waster water are rather complicated, is considered as the most pernicious industrial waste water, because it contains dyestuff, sizing agent, dying assistant, fiber impurity, oil agent, acid, alkali inorganic minerals and other components. Also due to the large capacity of discharge, high colorfastness, high PH value, non-biodegradable of the printing-dying waste water, it is most difficult to treat and control. CCET adopts advanced oxidation processes and membrane separation technologies, has successfully treated printing dying waste water and achieved demand of wastewater standard discharge and reclaimed water reuse.


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