
Reverse osmosis
Time : 04-08-2016  Traffic:0
Seawater desalination processing technology: refers to the removal of excess salt and mineral water in the process of getting fresh water.
Reverse osmosis is the most widely used method of seawater desalination.Reverse osmosis is that in the water side of the semipermeable membrane applied than osmotic pressure and high external pressure, when the raw water go through a semipermeable membrane, only allowing water through, other substances can not penetrates and is trapped in the membrane surface.
The reverse osmosis process is: raw water, pretreatment system, high pressure water pump, reverse osmosis membrane module, purified water.
The reverse osmosis is widely used because of its wide range and high desalination rate.The water quality is even better than the tap water, which can be used for industry, commerce, residents and ships.

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