
Pure Water Manufacturing Technology
Time : 04-08-2016  Traffic:0

  Pure water is also called purified water, deionized water, can be categorized into civil uses pure water and industrial used pure water.

  Civil used pure water: also called purified water like bottled or barrelled pure water, mainly used for drinking. The manufacturing process is mainly pre-treatment(UF or MM)-RO-disinfection, the product water electric conductivity generally is less than 20μs/cm.

  Industrial pure water: according to the product resistivity, it is categorized into high-pure water and ultra-pure water, is mainly used for boiler feed water power plant, production water supply of chemical, electronic, medicine industry and other fields. The manufacturing process is mainly pre-treatment(UF or MM)-RO-EDI, the product water resistivity generally is 10~18MΩ.cm.

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