

  RO system running diagnosis: Judge the problems existing in the system operation such as unqualified water quality, increasing conductivity, reducing water recovery rate etc. Provide a reasonable solution to ensure safe and efficient operation of the system.

  Reverse osmosis membrane cleaning to keep operation flux.

  Reverse osmosis membrane replacing to keep product water quality.

Project location An electricity factory in Inner Mongolia
Project time May 2011
Project condition Raw water is groundwater. RO system run for nearly 3 years, Water flux dropped nearly 30% that could not meet the demand.
Maintenance and service item Online chemical cleaning and off-line checking the effectiveness of the membrane module. Keep the system flux and product water quality to meet the water demand.

安国市| 辽阳市| 阿拉善盟| 兰州市| 团风县| 阿荣旗| 垦利县| 阿拉尔市| 衡南县| 白沙| 濉溪县| 南召县| 什邡市| 衡水市| 杨浦区| 东阿县| 丽江市| 玛沁县| 密云县| 图们市| 花垣县| 庄浪县| 岐山县| 仁寿县| 丽江市| 纳雍县| 松潘县| 屯昌县| 兴山县| 衡阳市| 连江县| 枞阳县| 涟水县| 孝义市| 吐鲁番市| 察哈| 历史| 康马县| 高淳县| 屏东县| 秭归县|