

  With good biodegradability, domestic sewage is mainly derived from bath waste water, kitchen waster water and toilet-flushing water, usually applies A/O, Anoxic/Oxic treatment, effectively reduces content of COD, BOD and NH-N and meets the national discharged standard of sewage. Moreever, deeper treatment with M/F, Multi media filtration/ Ultrafiltration can further remove sewage suspensions and organic matter, decrease the sewage turbidity and chroma. The deeper treated waste water can be used as domestic miscellaneous water for washing cars, flushing toilet, greenery and architecture water usage, etc.

Data sorting......
金川县| 大厂| 安福县| 五原县| 白山市| 镇安县| 贵港市| 竹山县| 化隆| 永胜县| 漳州市| 沙雅县| 广饶县| 唐海县| 大竹县| 石家庄市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 永年县| 进贤县| 府谷县| 台州市| 通海县| 太仆寺旗| 乐至县| 蚌埠市| 垦利县| 广河县| 建宁县| 来凤县| 大荔县| 巴彦淖尔市| 东方市| 秦安县| 怀来县| 余姚市| 渝中区| 佛坪县| 台南市| 河北区| 开鲁县| 车险|