

  After being treated by Mobile Container Water Treatment System (ECXX), the surface water or ground water will meet the drinking water quality standard and then be transported to living areas for domestic use. The system normally applies processes of pretreatment, ultrafiltration, RO(or nano-filtration), sterilization management, water delivery. Basing on the usage needs of water, we can make both fixed permanent installation and temporary mobile device.

  The mobile water treatment system can be installed with a self-supply power and turn into an independent system, it is easy to move and can create own working conditions free from outside constrains. As long as there is water resource,s the system can produce standard pure water for drinking to meet the field operations, disaster relief and other special circumstances of kitchen & drinking water demands.

Data sorting......
大丰市| 鄂尔多斯市| 玉门市| 类乌齐县| 甘孜县| 东山县| 大姚县| 乐清市| 韶关市| 邢台市| 茌平县| 海晏县| 双鸭山市| 定边县| 探索| 遂川县| 饶平县| 宽城| 延吉市| 威海市| 钟山县| 区。| 库车县| 手机| 通辽市| 社旗县| 巴南区| 平昌县| 武鸣县| 腾冲县| 乃东县| 普宁市| 封开县| 内乡县| 将乐县| 闻喜县| 鹿泉市| 高陵县| 乐业县| 云浮市| 东山县|